With the ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate, we have established the foundations of our corporate identity.
With the BRC/IOP Certificate, we have been guaranteeing our product safety since 2008 in line with the rules of the BRC standard. We have been certified with 6th version AA Grade by BRCGS Packaging Materials, which covers product safety, quality and compliance with operational criteria in order to meet legal compliance and consumer protection obligations.
With the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, we continue our work carried out within the scope of our sensitivity to the environment and especially waste management.
As one of the first companies in our country to adopt the ISO 45001 Occupational Safety Management System, we value our employees.
We work to ensure the security of all our data with the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System.
We use energy, today's most essential resource, in the most efficient way possible with the ISO 50001 Energy Management System, and we seek to boost its efficiency.